How did you first come to work with Copeland?
You were a brand that I had seen featured a lot on LinkedIn with the sort of roles and industry that I was interested in working in and you had been recommended to me by other people when I mentioned I was looking for opportunities.
What career goals were you trying to achieve?
I was looking for a step up, a new challenge and to broaden my understanding of the industry as I only had one perspective which was a manufacturer perspective. I really needed to progress and develop. I was itching to get some personal development and feel like I was moving forward.
What have been the benefits of working with Copeland?
When I applied for the role through Copeland I got some great coaching around the culture of the business and the environment I was likely to be walking into during interview. Your staff were so receptive to me bouncing ideas off them. You were so supportive, enthusiastic and encouraging. You gave me confidence to go into the interview and deliver my presentation. I am sure that helped in my performance at interview.
How is the job going?
I’m absolutely loving it. It was exactly what I was looking for – challenging. I have learnt so much and I can’t imagine working anywhere else. I just love it. I feel like I have fallen on my feet.
What’s it like working with Copeland?
You were constantly positive and enthusiastic and you gave me really good guidance and advice on the approach I was taking. You really prepped me well for the people I was going to be talking to and the environment I was going to be walking into. It was hugely helpful for making sure I was really ready for the interview. You were very supportive and you gave me really constructive feedback and helpful guidance.
You gave me confidence to go into the interview and deliver my presentation. I am sure that helped in my performance at interview.
Holly Price, Conversion and Adaptation Relations Manager, Motability Operations