Is it time to look for a new job?
- You’re keen to progress to the next level but can’t see where your next logical career move would be with your current employer
- You feel you are under paid for the job you do and experience you offer
- You’re frustrated with the lack of flexibility on working location and hours
- Managment, strategies or culture of your employer have changed since you joined
- You don’t feel valued or heard by your employer
- Your role is not longer sufficiently challenging or stimulating
- You’re uncomfortable with the culture or management style of your employer
- You have a poor working relationship with your manager or colleagues
- Your personal circumstances have changed and no longer fit with your current role
- You’ve stopped looking forward to or even dread going to work
If any of these apply to you it may be time to consider your next career move.
To help you decide what to do next we’ve created the Copeland Automotive Career Checklist which will provide you with a snapshot of whether you’re on the right track. Download the checklist and see where you’re at.